Exploring Financial Data

Exploratory data analysis of timeseries stock data in python with pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and interactive plots with plotly

December 11, 2020 · 16 mins read

Exploring Finance Data

This data project focuses on exploratory data analysis and various visualization techniques of stock prices. The focus is on bank stocks and to see how they progressed throughout the financial crisis all the way to early 2016.

**NOTE: This project is just meant to practice your visualization and pandas skills, it is not meant to be a robust financial analysis or be taken as financial advice. **

Getting the Data

Using pandas to directly read data from Yahoo finance using pandas!

Required Packages: pandas-datareader.

Pandas datareader allow to read stock information directly from the internet.

The Imports

from pandas_datareader import data, wb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
%matplotlib inline


The data from the following financial institution is explored.

  • Bank of America
  • CitiGroup
  • Goldman Sachs
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Wells Fargo

To target the financial crisis, the data retrieved is from Jan 1st 2006 to Jan 1st 2016 for each of these banks.

A few steps to setup the data

  1. Use datetime to set start and end datetime objects.
  2. From the documentation, its se clear the ticker for each bank is ‘BAC’, ‘C’, ‘GS’, ‘JPM’, ‘MS’, ‘WFC’.
  3. Following the examples in documentation, it is clear that the data can be retrieved by using the following syntax.
# Example for Bank of America
BAC = data.DataReader("BAC", 'source', start=start_date, end=end_date)

Documentation Link

Setting up dates using datetime module

start = datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1)

Retrieving Data from all the listed bank above

# Bank of America
BAC = data.DataReader("GE", 'yahoo', start, end)

# CitiGroup
C = data.DataReader("C", 'yahoo', start, end)

# Goldman Sachs
GS = data.DataReader("GS", 'yahoo', start, end)

# JPMorgan Chase
JPM = data.DataReader("JPM", 'yahoo', start, end)

# Morgan Stanley
MS = data.DataReader("MS", 'yahoo', start, end)

# Wells Fargo
WFC = data.DataReader("WFC", 'yahoo', start, end)

Alternate for grabbing data together

# Data can also be retrieved for a list object
df = data.DataReader(['BAC', 'C', 'GS', 'JPM', 'MS', 'WFC'],'yahoo', start, end)

Creating a list of the ticker symbols (as strings) in alphabetical order for easy reference down the line.

tickers = ['BAC', 'C', 'GS', 'JPM', 'MS', 'WFC']

Combing all the individual dataframes into a single dataframe.

The concat method from pandas, pd.concat is used to concatenate the bank dataframes together into a single data frame called bank_stocks here. Set the keys argument equal to the tickers list. The dataframes are concatenated as columns by setting argument axis=1.

bank_stocks = pd.concat([BAC, C, GS, JPM, MS, WFC],axis=1,keys=tickers)

Setting the column name levels. This will make it easier to differentiate the data of different banks.

bank_stocks.columns.names = ['Bank Ticker','Stock Info']

Check the head of the bank_stocks dataframe to see how the data looks and if concatenation is done as desired.


Before continuing to explore that data, it is necessary to get familiar with the following pandas functionality

Exploratory Data Analysis

Asking some basic question.

What is the max Close price for each bank’s stock throughout the time period?

bank_stocks.xs(key='Close',axis=1,level='Stock Info').max()
Bank Ticker
BAC    324.000000
C      564.099976
GS     247.919998
JPM     70.080002
MS      89.300003
WFC     58.520000
dtype: float64

What are the returns of each bank’s stock?

Creating a new dataframe to contain the returns for each bank’s stock.

Returns are typically defined by:

\(r*t = \frac{p_t - p*{t-1}}{p*{t-1}} = \frac{p_t}{p*{t-1}} - 1 \)

returns = pd.DataFrame()

The pandas method pct_change()can be used on the Close column to create a column representing this return value. Creating a for loop that loopes through each Bank Stock Ticker such that it creates the returns column for each back makes things faster.

for tick in tickers:
    returns[tick+' Returns'] = bank_stocks[tick]['Close'].pct_change()
BAC Returns C Returns GS Returns JPM Returns MS Returns WFC Returns
2006-01-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2006-01-04 -0.001414 -0.018462 -0.013812 -0.014183 0.000686 -0.011599
2006-01-05 -0.002548 0.004961 -0.000393 0.003029 0.002742 -0.001110
2006-01-06 0.006812 0.000000 0.014169 0.007046 0.001025 0.005874
2006-01-09 -0.002537 -0.004731 0.012030 0.016242 0.010586 -0.000158

Getting the overview of which stock stands out why should infer further steps

This can be done by creating a pairplot using seaborn of the returns dataframe.

import seaborn as sns
Stock Data Overview

When does each bank stock has the best and worst single day returns?.

# Worst Drop
BAC Returns   2008-04-11
C Returns     2009-02-27
GS Returns    2009-01-20
JPM Returns   2009-01-20
MS Returns    2008-10-09
WFC Returns   2009-01-20
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Note: 3 of the banks share the same day for the worst drop.

On further investigation (by which I mean google search)
2009-1-20 is (January 20th) the Inauguration day in the US.`

# Best Single Day Gain
BAC Returns   2009-03-10
C Returns     2008-11-24
GS Returns    2008-11-24
JPM Returns   2009-01-21
MS Returns    2008-10-13
WFC Returns   2008-07-16
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Note: Citigroup and Goldman Sachs Group share the date for best single day returns.

Reason: Unclear.

Background on Citigroup’s Stock Crash available here

Which stock looks the riskiest over the entire time period?

A quick look at the standard deviation of the returns should reveal this.

BAC Returns    0.019775
C Returns      0.038672
GS Returns     0.025390
JPM Returns    0.027667
MS Returns     0.037819
WFC Returns    0.030238
dtype: float64

Citigroup looks the riskiest and Morgan Stanley is a close second.

Which looks the riskiest for the year 2015?

BAC Returns    0.014076
C Returns      0.015289
GS Returns     0.014046
JPM Returns    0.014017
MS Returns     0.016249
WFC Returns    0.012591
dtype: float64

Very similar risk profiles, but Morgan Stanley is the riskiest while Citigroup is the second riskiest.

Exploring return in 2015 for Morgan Stanley

sns.histplot(returns.loc['2015-01-01':'2015-12-31']['MS Returns'],color='green',bins=100,kde=True)
Morgan Stanley returns in 2015

Looking into return in 2008 for CitiGroup

sns.histplot(returns.loc['2008-01-01':'2008-12-31']['C Returns'],color='red',bins=100)
Citigroup returns in 2015

More Visualization

A lot of this project focuses on visualizations. Feel free to use any of your preferred visualization libraries to try to recreate the plots as described, seaborn, matplotlib, plotly and cufflinks, or just pandas.

Additional Import for Visualization

  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  import seaborn as sns
  %matplotlib inline

  # Optional Plotly Method Imports
  import plotly
  import cufflinks as cf

Creating a line plot showing Close price for each bank for the entire index of time.

Using a for loop will get all the banks.

  for tick in tickers:
All Stock data as timeseries

Clearly late 2008 is when the stocks take a significant fall.

Alternate to using for loops, using cross-sections - .xs should also the trick.

    bank_stocks.xs(key='Close',axis=1,level='Stock Info').plot()

Imports for plotly

Plotly does interactive plots.

from plotly import __version__
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot

import cufflinks as cf


Interactive timeseries plot

  bank_stocks.xs(key='Close',axis=1,level='Stock Info').iplot()

Moving Averages

Analyzing the moving averages for these stocks in the year 2008.

Plot the rolling 30 day average against the Close Price for Bank Of America’s stock for the year 2008

  BAC['Close'].loc['2008-01-01':'2009-01-01'].rolling(window=30).mean().plot(label='30 Day Avg')
  BAC['Close'].loc['2008-01-01':'2009-01-01'].plot(label='BAC CLOSE')
Rolling Average of BAC's stock in 2008

Creating a heatmap of the correlation between the stocks’ Close Price.

  sns.heatmap(bank_stocks.xs(key='Close',axis=1,level='Stock Info').corr(),annot=True)
Heatmap for correlation between the stocks' Close Price

Creating a clustermap to cluster the correlations together

  sns.clustermap(bank_stocks.xs(key='Close',axis=1,level='Stock Info').corr(),annot=True)
Cluster of the correlations between the stocks' Close Price

Reference jupyter notebook.

Finance Data Project