The Making

Some additional details on how this website was made.

March 31, 2022 · 2 mins read


This website is built using Jekyll, a ruby based static site generator. Jekyll is highly customizable if you know a little bit of html and css and/or if you are patient enough to go through the documentation.


My starting point is a theme called "Clean-blog" that is modified to fit my needs. The website is hosted on github via gh-pages. Clean blog uses bootstrap 4.6.0 for theming and responsiveness, here is the documentation.

Things to be aware of.


Jekyll uses liquid for templating. At least basic understanding of this is required to manipulated the site's behavior.


To add external dependencies, “p5js” for my case as I plan to add some form of interactivity for my generative art posts.

  • Make a yml file dependencies.ylm and add dependencies to it like shown below.
	- name: p5
	  element: <script src="">

  • Add a file dependency.html to _includes folder with the following code in it.

  {% for dependency in %}
    {% if == %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  • Include dependencies in the head.html file by adding following lines.

  {% for dependency in page.dependencies %}
    {% include dependency.html name=dependency %}
  {% endfor %}


I also use collections in jekyll to separate my post based on what topic it is.

This site was published on 30th of March, 2022.